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Friday, August 6, 2010

Dish 25 - #12 Fried Chicken at Frenchy's

After lunch we retired for an hour or so to escape the mid afternoon sun. As soon as the temperature began to drop we got back on our bikes and rode down to zoo. She really loves it there and I'm more than happy to tag along. As always it was the naked mole rats, octopus and reptiles that captured most of our attention. We stuck around til they started throwing folks out at 7pm then grabbed the bikes and headed for the cycle track along the bayou and out to the third ward. It was chicken time.

It's a great ride along there. It's such a shame that so few Houstonians cycle anywhere. It's fairly hot right now but even so it's not too bad to cycle if you put on a pair of shorts. Outside of summer it's pretty much perfect cycling weather most of the time. It didn't take long for us to track down Frenchy's. The queue was pretty small here too. Who knows why this time. There was a wait for the drive through and once again the line grew while we sat and ate.

I decided to do what I've often found to be the best thing - ask the staff for advice on what's the best food they offer. I followed the advice I was given and got a meal deal with dirty rice ("that's the best side we do!"), collard greens ("you always need some greens") and a chicken breast ("no bone's to deal with and white's always good for you, baby!"). The only thing not up for debate was the biscuit. I eat them at almost every opportunity. I'm glad I did too because it was a great one. Streets ahead of the Breakfast Klub's. The rice was solid, the greens damn good and the chicken was out of this world!

By the time we left the sun was setting over the medical center and the temperature was the lowest its been during my trip here. It was a beautiful cycle home after a pretty perfect day.

At the end of the day I had:
eaten 23 / 100 dishes (25/100 including non-available dishes)
spent $229 (including tips)
travelled 194 miles (112 by car, 13 on foot, 28 by bus, 41 by bike)

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