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Friday, July 30, 2010

Dish 11 - #63 Stuffed Artichoke at Mint Café on Sage

This was a little mysterious. If you read the comments on Robb's post it says this place is open. It didn't seem to be though unless I got lost. It says Mint cafe above the door but burger palace on the windows. Was there another door somewhere that we missed?

In internet intrigue the original Mint cafe closed

There was another business of the same name offering the same dish

But now if you search for Mint Cafe houston the top result is for the burger palace

Regardless. I ate there! I got an Akaushi beef burger. Nothing fancy on it, just lettuce, tomato and onion. As a burger specialist restaurant I was suprised they didn't ask me how I wanted it cooked. I hope that's because they refuse to serve them grilled to death and don't want to have to argue when customers request them that way. Regardless what I got was a perfectly cooked burger, in a great bun. It was truly one of the best burgers I've had in a long time. It may not be Robb's choice but I'd say this is a fairly worthy substitute. I'm marking this down as a missing dish, yellow, on the map but including the miles and $s.

It was on that note that the epic day ended. 6 dishes from the list plus extras. 100 miles exactly, $56 (not including NRSS stops) and god alone knows how many calories. I couldn't eat like that every day but I heartily recommend you try it some time.

As of 26th of July 2010 I had
eaten 10 / 100 dishes (11/100 including non-available dishes)
spent $95 (including tips)
travelled 104 miles (100 by car, 4 on foot)

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