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Friday, July 30, 2010

Dish 14 - #23 Green Falafel Sandwich at Zabak's

I got back on the bus and rode it down Westheimer as far as Zabak's. I'd had to wait for 35 minutes for it to show up and it was still hot even at 7pm. I stumbled off the bus, admired the birds and teeth outside and made my way to the counter. I was a little worried they might not appreciate me wanting the falafel sandwich to go. Some places can be a bit shirty about that kind of thing. I asked and was greeted by a huge smile and a reassuring 'Of course. That's what we're here for!' While his brother prepared the sandwich, and his sister worked on the restaurant's finances at a corner table I stood at the counter and spoke with Donald Zabak about family legacies, the importance of having a personal relationship with your customers, our mutual preferance for family owned businesses over corporations, the Houston food scene, Robb Walsh's list and falafel. He was one of the most passionate and friendly people I've had the pleasure to come across. He loves his family's business and what they do. I walked in there feeling pretty terrible and came out smiling.

I had another 20 minutes wait for a bus, a 20 minute ride and a mile walk. When I finally staggered through the door I had another hour to wait for my girlfriend to finally get home from an unexpectedly late night at work. I didn't dare eat without her because veggie options on the list are few and far between. Donald had said he preferred it when the components had a chance to mingle so suggested not leaving anything on the side for the trip home.

So how was it? Absolutely outstanding. To me this is what Houston food is about. It's a blending of foods from around the world with a distictly Texan streak. Cajun hot sauce complements the other, more traditional elements perfectly. With food it's hard to unpick every element. I know it's partly because of the day I'd had, partly the nice chat I'd had with Donald and partly pure hunger and you can't easily untie that from the objective taste but that was one of the the very best sandwiches I've ever had. I strongly encourage you to go and get one yourself.

At the end of the 28th of July I had:
eaten 13 / 100 dishes (14/100 including non-available dishes)
spent $126 (including tips)
travelled 143 miles (112 by car, 11 on foot, 20 by bus)

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